Hank Carvell

Hank Carvell

Hank is a multi-talented force in the world of entertainment, effortlessly weaving his way through various roles with unparalleled skill.



With a keen eye for the extraordinary, Hank weaves tales that transcend the boundaries of species and tickle the funny bone of even the most serious humans. His knack for capturing the essence of feline antics on screen is unparalleled, leaving audiences with a subtle smile and a renewed appreciation for the whimsical nature of our furry friends.

Hank's journey as a film producer began with a whisker-twitching realization that he possessed an innate talent for spotting unique storytelling opportunities. From heartwarming tales that tug at the heartstrings to mind-bending narratives that challenge the very fabric of reality, Hank's diverse filmography showcases his unwavering commitment to producing compelling and thought-provoking content.

Prepare to be blown away by the electrifying talent of Hank, the dynamic feline writer who has mastered the art of crafting intense action films. With an uncanny ability to ignite the silver screen with adrenaline-pumping thrills, Hank has emerged as a brilliant writer in the realm of high-octane storytelling.


Year Production Role Company / Director
2023 High School Mewsical Director Mewving Productions
2023 The Fundamentals of Kneading Producer Mewving Productions
2024 Claws Writer dir. Steven Spielberg